Mrs Jones’s Shout Out

Best wishes to everyone for a happy and fun packed school holiday.

As we look forward to Term 2 we have exciting news, We have been lucky enough to have had Matua Taimona work along side some wonderful members of our community alongside Digital Natives to connect each of these values to tūpuna within our local iwi, creating reimagined tuahangata and tuawahine to represent them. Each of our school values is also represented by our three house colours – pink, purple and green, and our new values by the colours of the tino rangatiratanga flag – red, white and black. They tell the story of our ancestors and will contribute to the teachings of our local curriculum. Chris from Progressive Print then took our vision and is creating beautiful murals of our new school value. These will be unveiled Week 1 next term. Keep an eye out on Hero and Facebook for more information on this.

Matua Rawiri has had a successful operation and is in recovery.

Well done to all of our students in the Utuhina STEAM class. I was so impressed with all the wonderful propagation frames, planters and bird boxes. In Visual Arts this week the students have been learning about Screen Printing techniques. Netball and Hockey trials have gone ahead. Good luck to those who have trialled. These events are available to view on our Facebook page.

It was wonderful to watch our kāinga ako Haka competition today and see all our students looking bright in their colours. Congraulations to the winning kāinga ako Puarenga and to Kaituna for winning best dressed.

Mrs Jones and The Mokoia ‘A’ Team

We are Limitless! We are Passionate! We are Mokoia!


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