
Matua Rawiri’s Shout Out

Tena Koutou Parents & Caregivers Welcome back to Mokoia Intermediate for the exciting year of 2024! We hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable break,

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Matua Rawiri’s Shout Out

Tēnā Koutou Parents and Caregivers To our parents, teachers, and most importantly, the incredible students of Mokoia Intermediate. My ‘Principal Shout Out’ is to celebrate

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Matua Rawiri’s Shout Out

Tēnā Koutou Parents and Caregivers We are heading into the last eight days of Term 4, before we close school and enjoy the summer holidays

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Matua Rawiri’s Shout Out

Tēnā Koutou Parents and Caregivers Our school survey will be distributed on Monday. We encourage you to take the time to fill it in. Thank

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Matua Rawiri’s Shout Out

Tēnā Koutou Parents and Caregivers Taking a Stand Against Student Bullying: Contacting the School for Action Kia ora koutou parents and caregivers We hope this

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