
Mrs Jones’s Shout Out

Tena Koutou Parents & Caregivers As I view our Facebook page and our student learning portfolios in Hero I cannot help feeling so incredibly proud.

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Matua Rawiri’s Shout Out

Tena Koutou Parents & Caregivers Last Friday, the Te Arawa Senior Kapa Haka groups participated in a memorable and enriching competition. ‘Congratulations’ to any parents

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Matua Rawiri’s Shout Out

Tena Koutou Parents & Caregivers We are excited to share with you the latest happenings at Mokoia Intermediate in our recent newsletter. Here are some

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Matua Rawiri’s Shout Out

Tena Koutou Parents & Caregivers Yesterday I was fortunate enough to listen to the Minister of Education Erica Stanford, it was a good opportunity to

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Matua Rawiri’s Shout Out

Tena Koutou Parents & Caregivers It has been another productive week here at Mokoia Intermediate. As we progress through the term, we would like to

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